REPENT! Global Warming is Near!
In April of 1975, Newsweek ran a controversial article on a new global crisis. Around the world, scientists were hooting and hollering that the next ice age was coming. Global cooling was upon us!
Now I don’t bring up this point to disparage scientists, or to infer that because they got it wrong 30 years ago, they’ve got it wrong today. I bring it up to set the stage for an important question about how conservatives approach the climate change issue as opposed to what we’re seeing on the left-wing side of the issue -- the “Religion of Global Warming. “
Imagine if the 1975 proponents of global cooling acted the same way global warming activists do today. Imagine if they had succeeded in intimidating the world into believing the “debate was over,” and shouted down anyone who dared to present evidence contrary to the premise. Imagine if, as a result, we had spent the last thirty years doing everything in our power as a nation to heat-up the earth? Scary thought, huh?
That’s what’s so terrifying about the liberal approach to climate change. Conservatives recognize and embrace the challenges of climate change in real scientific terms. Science seeks solutions with an opened mind, not a closed one. The scientific process requires questions, and is not afraid of outside the box thinking. Rather, science thrives on it. This is how we find answers.
Religion, however, is based on faith, which cannot be questioned. That’s why it is unnerving to hear Senator Peter Shumlin refer to his own global warming beliefs to that of a born again Christian, and comparing legislative sessions to “services.” Shumlin was even quoted in the Burlington Free Press when speaking of another
Mary Tucker of the Department of Divinity at
Look, we all have our different opinions on climate change and there are many different theories in the scientific community as well. To take the religious environmental approach and slam the door on opposing views is counter-productive and hypocritical at best. Just as is forcing your opinion on a class you teach, as Mary Tucker and a handful of professors at
I [the writer] was asked to present the conservative viewpoint on climate change. Simply put, there is not one point of view, but many. The real question should be “what’s the difference in how conservatives and liberals approach the climate change issue?” Conservatives and scientists will agree that we cannot address this issue by creating the same movie over and over again. We cannot address this issue by censoring scientists who have different theories on climate change. We cannot address this issue as a society if we force students to read narrow-mindedly written books. Religion, faith and hope mixed in with a few threats and protests just won’t cut it.
The Champlain Current isn't biased and it contains both ends of the spectrum. Besides, this article shouldn't have been printed anyway because republicans don't know anything about global warming.
"...because republicans don't know anything about global warming."
Well that is certainly an over-generalization. How do you draw that conclusion?
Below is a link from the Lt. Governor's website. It will bring you to a press release. I'd like to point out that both Governor Jim Douglas and Lt. Governor Brian Dubie are well respected Republicans, and very popular among Vermont's voters.
I think it's a bit hypocritical on your part to make such a bold statement.
What is your definition of what a "Republican" is, anonymous.
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