Sunday, November 25, 2007

Perhaps, we're just too intimidating...

The saga continues. Danielle Frawley, Editor of the Champlain Current has responded our invitation to attend a meeting. But as we suspected, she declined. Below is a copy of her e-mail.

We'd really like to get this matter solved. After all, it is an injustice to the Champlain College community to continue to print articles that lack objectivity. We also firmly believe that this matter cannot be solved through e-mail.

We have requested that Ms. Frawley takes thirty minutes out of her busy, busy schedule to sit down with a couple members of the Champlain College Republican Executive Committee.

I am sorry, but as I'm sure you understand, I am very busy, and won't be able to meet on Tuesday. However, I really want to clear things up. So if you would please let me know what further questions you have, I would be happy to discuss them through e-mail. Since I do not check the Champlain Current e-mail regularly, please e-mail my mymail account: *******. Thanks for your time.

Danielle Frawley
Champlain Current
Who says politics can't be fun?! Check out this video shot by Barely Political. Yeah, it might be a bit ... but even we know how to have fun! Be sure to check back soon for we'll be launching a "Web Ad" of our own!

Check us out soon! The Champlain College Republicans will be meeting on November 27th at 7:30pm in SLC-309.


Anonymous said...

Surprise, Surprise.

Anonymous said...

Hey Simon and Folks,
I think there may be a few details about running a newspaper that you are not fully aware the point where you're kinda making a mountain out of a molehill here.

Anonymous said...

Would you care to highlight what you mean when you say "that you are not fully aware of..."

I for one have been an Editor for a publication before. But please, enlighten me. I'm curious.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to print articles in a college newspaper containing political information because the Champlain community deserves to hear both sides to the story. I think issues like this don't get enough attention and that is why nothing ever gets accomplished. I commend the champlain college republicans for taking a stand.