Friday, November 23, 2007

Drum Roll: The Champlain Current responds!

As you may recall from the previous post, the Champlain College Republicans sent a Letter to the Editor into the "Champlain Current." The purpose of the letter was to explain our displeasure with the subject matter, the unbalanced political articles, and the failure to use spell check on the pages of the student run publication.

Danielle Frawley, Editor of the "Champlain Current" responded to our Letter to the Editor on Monday and we've posted a copy of her response below.

It really is a shame that the "Current" fails to understand as to why students, faculty and staff feel their monthly publication is unbalanced and non-objective.

Originally, we began to draft a letter in response however we realized that it is of no use. Danielle and the staff of the Current will not understand the disservice they are providing the Champlain College Community until they are willing to participate in an in-person discussion.

Thus, we humbly request that Ms. Frawley attends the College Republican meeting on November 27th. We hope to discuss our disappointment and try to help the "Champlain Current" expand to a more objective and balanced paper.

Ms. Frawley did mention that the Editorial Board meets every Monday. We accept her invitation and a Champlain College Republican will be present at every meeting. And yes - we do feel all of our members have the ability to present objective, clear political articles.

Dear Champlain College Republicans,

In your letter to us you addressed Sarah Patterson’s “Head to Head” political article from the November issue of The Champlain Current. We would like to clarify the misunderstandings you have brought to our attention.

First of all, “Head to Head” is actually a column that will also be running in the next two issues of The Champlain Current. In the November issue we discussed two of the Democratic candidates running for presidency. There has already been an article written for the December issue profiling two of the Republican presidential candidates. The January issue will include two wild cards that are running in the presidential race. In the November issue, we made the mistake of not making it clear that this column is monthly.

We’re sorry that you feel that The Champlain Current is biased; hopefully this will help clear up any concerns of that nature.

We are being very careful with any political articles that run, and Sarah has been made aware of this and only writes the unbiased facts. She has been coming to every editorial meeting, and we have been working on this political column for several months now.

If you feel as though any of your members has the writing ability to present objective, clear political articles, feel free to attend any of our editorial meetings. We meet every Monday at 3:30 in the Vista Room of Miller Information Commons.

With regards,

Danielle Frawley

Carolyn Fox
Managing Editor
Are you concerned as well? E-mail the Champlain Current at You can also e-mail us at


Just a quick reminder ~ The Vermont College Republican Re-Organization Caucus will be held on Saturday, December 1st at 1pm. It will be held on the Champlain College campus; in Hauke 009.

There will be a special guest, but we're waiting for confirmation!


Anonymous said...

I doubt she'll go, but hopefully she will!

Anonymous said...

Republicans are stupid. All they want is oil. Bush is a fucking idiot.

GOP stands for Grand OIL Party. I'd rather die - than be a Republican, or friends with one.

Anonymous said...

And to think that you belong to a party that claims fairness, respect, and individual rights...

When is the next meeting?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should do some research and read up on what republicans really stand for. Do you stand for ONE thing, and one thing only? Why do you accuse Republicans of wanting oil so bad, do you have ANY VALID arguments, at all?

Anonymous said...

Posted on this site is a well thought out, respectful, and clear desrciption of WHY we are republicans. Maybe you should read it before you take such a harsh stand against us. It is okay to disagree with us, but do you really have to be so vulgar and mean? Also if you are going to say something like that have the guts to put your name on your comment. Saying something like that and not saying who you are makes you look like a really big coward.