Thursday, November 29, 2007

You Tube Debate Rap-Up

It was a very entertaining debate, overall. But the highlight was most definitely the one-on-one Immigration Battle between Romney and Giuliani.

Check it out. What do you think?


On another note - we're considering taking away the ability to post anonymously. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I'm all for people not posting on the blog anonymously. Save that nonsense for the comments area :D

Anonymous said...

I think that the posts should be anonymous unless it is a member of the Executive Committee. I don't think that comments should be Anonymous because then we end up with Ron Paul like activists that sort of ruin what we're out to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

There's no stopping the paultards, they be masters of the Internets. Besides, what we're out to accomplish is more political dialect on campus, correct? In my opinion, I don't see the harm as long as things remain at least a little bit civil and there's nothing threatening.

Anonymous said...

personally i feel like posting anonymously takes a lot out of a comment. if you don't feel like you can connect your name with something then you obviously don't feel very strongly about it, and you don't truly believe in your statement.

Anonymous said...

Well put, Kate.