Wednesday, November 28, 2007

YouTube it Up tonight!

Don't forget; the Republican Presidential candidates will be on stage tonight on You Tube at 8:00! This is the first debate of it's kind. Thousands of people submitted their questions directed at the candidates to You Tube by video taping their question.

This is definitely not something you want to miss!

Come back Thursday to see reaction from our group members!


Anonymous said...

McCain is going to rock tonight!

Anonymous said...

RON PAUL will slaughter all who stand in his way!

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance. He's a good comic relief though.


Anonymous said...

Has McCain delivered over 460,000 babies? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

If only those babies could all vote, than maybe Ron Paul would have a chance of breaking 10% of the vote.

Anonymous said...

...which would still beat McCain. Muahaha

Anonymous said...

Anyone need a reminder of what happened when Ron Paul tried going up against Rudy? Ha... "Who is Ron Paul?" A joke!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I remember that...

Ron Paul: "You know, what we do to people around the world may be a reason for why they want to attack us.."

Rudy: "WTF! Absurd! I was THERE on September 11th! I SURVIVED the ATTACKS!"

What Rudy doesn't realize is that THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS IN THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT! Even our own CIA talks about "blowback"

He ought to apologize to the great Dr. Paul! You too, Jeff! Raar!

Anonymous said...

Rudy wants to take my 4358973489572349 guns from my cold dead hands and kill my unborn fetuses ;(

Anonymous said...

LMFAO what an asshole! xD