Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Message from the Secretary

A lot has happened in the last two weeks since our last meeting and there is a lot to talk about! I present to you the agenda for tonight's meeting in SLC 309 to take place tonight at 7:30:

We will discuss our Reorganization Caucus this coming Saturday with the Federation of Vermont College Republicans. This is a big event for VT College Republicans which will be held right here at Champlain College at 1pm in Hauke 005. All College Republicans in Vermont are encouraged to attend -- Gov. Jim Douglas himself is expected to stop in and say hello.

We will also discuss the ongoing dispute between the CCR and the Champlain Current. We will discuss the myths and facts of the situation and address the concerns of the Champlain Current staff. We will open ourselves to ideas and criticisms of our handling of the situation, and how we can better deal with similar situations in the future. If Champlain Current staff members would like to drop in and voice concerns, they are certainly welcome to do so.

For our general discussion, we will talk about the controversy surrounding Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo's latest ad. Is he blatantly fear mongering, or does he have a point?

And don't forget to check out the Republican YouTube Debate tomorrow at 8:00p.m.

I have a feeling that we're in for an all-around intense and exciting meeting tonight. We hope to see you there!

-- Aaron, Secretary.


Anonymous said...

Aaron; Thanks for all the work. Don't graduate and stick around for another year :)

Anonymous said...

I agree - Aaron can't leave (Best secretary EVER)!! Yesterday's meeting was all it was cracked up to be - intense, productive, and fun - Thanks guys!!