Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our New T-Shirts

Front of T-Shirt
Back of T-Shirt

Side Sleeve of T-Shirt


Anonymous said...

CCR is not suppose to be plural.

Anonymous said...

Well actually, yes it is. You see, as a group, we decided to use CCR's on the left sleeve to stand for "Champlain College Republicans", since we all are Champlain College Republicans. Thanks for expressing interest in our group t-shirts though!

Anonymous said...

The apostrophe is not suppose to be there - that is what I'm saying. The shirt doesn't "own" or show possession of anything; unless of course you are saying the shirt sleeve belongs to the Champlain College Republicans. If you wanted to have the 's' on the sleeve, you would have to say CCRs.

What you have put on the sleeve literally transpires into "Champlain College Republicans's" No double s.

Anonymous said...

Though I am a tad curious as to why anyone would spend their time complaining about an apostraphe on a t-shirt, I would like to say that CCR's stands for Champlain College Republicans. If it really bothers you that much, I suggest you close your eyes whenever one of us walks by, or try not to look at this post on the website. I had no intention to upset anyone with that apostraphe, I apologize.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that anyone who wishes to comment on a post do so in a respectful manner, (no name-calling; it's just immature and rude) otherwise they will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

Who did the name calling? Welcome to the world of politics. You ready? Probably not, considering you can't even get the grammer right on your shirt.


Anonymous said...

I do feel bad for your party because they have someone like you representing them. I am still curious, why you are makng such a fuss about our t-shirts; what is on the t-shirts, is what we decided. It's an apostraphe, and we felt it would look better and be less confusing with it. It makes sense that you would complain about an apostraphe however, this way you don't need to focus on more serious, important issues, and use your intellect (or lack thereof) to debate issues somewhere where your views might get heard and mean something. Debating an apostraphe on a college blog seems miniscule, don't you think Mr. Anonymous ;)

Anonymous said...

To the person that made the comment, “Welcome to the world of politics. You ready? Probably not…” For your information most of the members of our group do not want anything to do with politics. We are just simply individuals that pay attention to the news and what is happening in the world. If you do not like the shirt you do not have to wear it. If you had attended any of our meetings, you could have made sure a grammatical error did not appear on the shirt, but it is obvious that you did not, so your input after the fact is not necessary. Now just let it go, the apostrophe is on the shirt, and will not disappear anytime soon.