Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mock Election Results

The results from the mock election are as follows:

Barrack Obama: 161
John McCain: 51
Hillary Clinton: 24
Other: 15
Total Votes: 251

The winners we randomly chose to win the prizes were:

1st Prize (180 Lindt Truffles): Rob Rush
2nd Prize (Speaker System): Tara Campbell
3rd Prize (Gas Card): Dan Merrill
4th Prize (CCR T-Shirt): Mike Thulander

We would like to congratulate the winners and thank everyone who participated in the mock election at Champlain College on Thursday March 27th, 2008.


Anonymous said...

John McCain came in 2nd place?? Vermont's not as close-minded as I thought! Go McCain!

Anonymous said...

Close minded? Obama won with 64.14% of the vote. Not to mention he had to go against both Hillary and McCain; which clearly won't happen in November. Assuming that he wins Clinton's votes - which isn't a stretch at all, he would have had 73.71% of the vote.

You might want to rethink that comment.

Anonymous said...

DUDE! That's at least 40 Republicans that aren't yet in the CCR's!! Get involved! Come join us, Wednesday nights 7:30 in SLC-310

Anonymous said...

YES! Please come! We will have three or four more meetings before the end of the year. And the meetings are in room SLC-309, not 310, it's okay Aaron :) It's the room behind the fireplace in the fireside lounge. Hopefully we'll see some new faces next week!

Anonymous said...

You have to keep in mind that this mock election was done on a college campus (remember that most colleges are liberal) and in a liberal state. For McCain to come in second place and to beat Hillary says a lot about his popularity.

Anonymous said...

Despite the results of the mock election i still feel that Obama is the weakest candidate of out everyone. I am so sick of hearing about hope and change and his political tactics used to win over the hearts of America. He has no real plans,no real solutions to anything. I think we want a president with a good track record who will lead this great nation, not someone who can talk it, and do nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Look what every other President has said they will do. Look at all their "plans." You see anything better? I don't think so.

It is time for a real people person, who knows what it is like to struggle to step up to the plate. It is stime for a person who has proven that just "talking" isn't enough. It is time for proven leadership to enspire hope and change in others so that we can get rid of the corrupt leaders currently in Washington. That is why I will be casting my ballot for Obama.

Anonymous said...


Even you have to admit that your party is headed in the wrong direction! Get rid of the Christian Right-Wing nut jobs then maybe you can claim to be the party of moderation.

Until then, all I can say is it looks pitiful that the College Republicans held a mock-election on their campus.... and the Republican GOT SLAUGHTERED! Sounds to me like you guys have a little miss directed brains.

Anonymous said...

Well first off Obama has not walked the walk, he is just very good at talking the talk. Look at his track record as a Senator, what has he done? NOTHING! He has no real plans just words of inspiration that are being written by his speech writers. McCain has seen real struggles, he has been to war, he has been Senator for a long time, he will lead this nation to prosperity. And about the mock election, it is about raising political awareness on campus, and it just goes to show how naive this campus is. Whoever is writing this...YOU will see come national election time that all this "hope" "Change" bullshit that Obama puts on will get old, and this nation will see past that...especially when McCain slaughters him in the debates

Anonymous said...

I am an Obama supporter, and for whoever left the comment ridiculing the reason's behind holding a mock election, it is simply ridiculous. How is it pitifiul that a political group on campus wants to hold a mock election? If anything it jsut shows that they aren't close-minded. If the requirements for holding a mock election were that a certain candidate must win, that's insane. And I learned more about their organization after speaking with their chair, and they are a very well put together group; they deserve no negative comments from either party.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't look good when a republican sponsored event only gets 28% support rate. How funny. Sounds like the chair really does get it ben. Well put.

Anonymous said...

Champlain College is a primarily liberal college, this is no surprise to us or anyone. So therefore, we should not hold events unless all or most of the people who are showing interest are republican? That is impossible, and we have no desire to shut out other political views. Perhaps it doesn't look good to you, but everyone who participated in the election enjoyed it. As Peter has said, everyone in our group is a CCR member because we share the same views, values, and enjoy discussing politics. No one in our group works for the GOP (except for one member who quit in early January. He would never bash the group he founded on their website, nor would he ever pretend to be a liberal voting for Obama or make fun of college republicans; that would be wrong since he works for the GOP party), nor would we want too; we don't want to have a career in politics. We simply all share common attributes regarding politics and enjoy doing what we're doing as a group. There really is nothing more to it than that. If you have a problem with the mock election we held, I suggest you contact a CCR member through our email: I would be happy to further discuss the decisions we make as a group with you.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama is going to cream McCain. You said he doesn't have plans; I suggest you see what he actually has said.

Here's his view on the economy. This is a business school so perhaps it would directly relate to what you are all studying. Read more here:

“I believe that America's free market has been the engine of America's great progress. It's created a prosperity that is the envy of the world. It's led to a standard of living unmatched in history. And it has provided great rewards to the innovators and risk-takers who have made America a beacon for science, and technology, and discovery…We are all in this together. From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory workers, we all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.”

Anonymous said...

again this statement shows no actual plans that Obama is just him muttling out words that have no relevance. So he realizes we are a free market, i knew that in 5th grade...Now how does he plan to deal with the economy is yet to said. He speak well but his policies(or lack there of) are yet to even be on the radar...and that statement proves it. SO I STILL ASK YOU....WHAT ARE HIS PLANS!!!?

Anonymous said...

fuck obama. Optimus Prime 08!!!

Anonymous said...

Good day,
Are is CCR aware of that Al Jazeera English is being broadcast from Burlington 24 hours a day 7 days a week? We are currently petitioning the registered voters of Burlington to have a referendum on the November ballot. We need help to collect 1600 signatures by September 25th. Please contact me at if you can assist us in this matter.

Thank you,
Jamie Zeppernick

Anonymous said...

Obama is very good at talking, I'll admit that. But what has he done? Many like to compare Obama and Palin with their experiences, but how does that make sense? He is not running against Palin, he is running against John McCain, a brave man who fought for our country, was punished for being American, and yet was so proud TO be American that he wanted to improve things in our country through leadership. Who is the best man for the job? Look at the records - or in Obama's case, the lack of one.

Polilla said...

Another point of view: Election results: Obama wins!